AI Robotic Glove for Stroke Victims

AI Robotic Glove for Stroke Victims to Regain Fine Motor Skills

– that can help patients with neuromuscular disorders relearn how to play the piano.

AI Robotic Glove for Stroke Victims

– Neurotrauma, including traumatic brain injury (TBI) and strokes, is a significant global health problem, affecting millions of people each year.

AI Robotic Glove for Stroke Victims

– The glove is outfitted with piezoresistive sensor arrays with 16 taxels for the five fingertips, which measure pressure with high accuracy and can recognize contact pressure by calculating applied force.

AI Robotic Glove for Stroke Victims

– The researchers used random forest, K-nearest neighbor, and artificial neural network algorithms to train the glove's AI system with data collected from the fingertip sensors.

AI Robotic Glove for Stroke Victims

– The artificial neural network algorithm demonstrated the highest degree of accuracy, with over 97% classification accuracy when a human subject played the piano and 94.6% accuracy without the human subject.

AI Robotic Glove for Stroke Victims

– The AI-powered glove has the potential to assist disabled individuals in relearning dexterous tasks like playing musical instruments.

AI Robotic Glove for Stroke Victims

– Stroke aftermath affects an estimated 101 million people globally, and the number has nearly doubled in the last 30 years.

AI Robotic Glove for Stroke Victims

– The AI robotic glove provides hope for stroke victims to regain fine motor skills and potentially play the piano again.

AI Robotic Glove for Stroke Victims

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